Presidential Scholarships at Imperial College London for Students of Black Heritage


Presidential Scholarships at Imperial College London for Students of Black Heritage

For Black students at Imperial, more access and opportunities have been made possible by the Presidential Scholarship which is only for Students of Black Heritage.

Imperial College London offers financial and mentorship assistance for students seeking for Master’s study in the autumn of 2023.


The Imperial College London happens to be the only university in the UK with a strong emphasis on science, engineering, medicine, and business.

Over 100 undergraduate courses in fields including aeronautics, biology, geophysics, and medicine are available for students to choose from. With approximately 150 master’s programs and a variety of research opportunities, there are many options, and each is supported by a professional development program.

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According to the College’s admins, it’s dedication to offering financial aid to deserving students from all backgrounds is being strengthened through the Presidential Scholarship for Students of Black Heritage, which also aids in removing obstacles to attending a top-tier university. We are aware that we are currently struggling to enroll and keep enough Black students, and we are motivated to change this. This program is a component of a larger effort to address racial inequity at Imperial.

Scholarship Benefits

  • The scholarship will assist one Master’s and one undergraduate student with Home Fee status from each Faculty as part of the College’s £5 million commitment to scholarships for minority and underrepresented students from the UK.
  • An allowance of £1,500 for equipment
  • The students will receive comprehensive support through this Scholarship, including mentorship, counseling, and advice.


  • Applications from Black Heritage students will be accepted
  • Candidates who meet the requirements for a Presidential Scholarship must belong to one of the following ethnic groups, or to their equivalent in the relevant application systems: Black – African, Black – Caribbean, Black – Other, Mixed White and Black Caribbean, and Black – Other.
  • For Black applicants with home fee status, the master award program is available in all faculties, including business, engineering, medicine, and the natural sciences.
  • To be eligible for the scholarship,  you must apply for courses offered by the Earth Science and Engineering Department for the Master’s degree. Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department’s MSc in Applied Machine Learning.

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How To Apply

The first step in applying for a Presidential Scholarship is to look for the course you want to enroll in. 2. Open an online account, submit your application through the application portal, and apply as soon as you can. For more assistance, consult the school official website which is

Note To be admitted to their desired program, candidates must fulfill all applicable entry requirements. Different programs may have different requirements.

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Presidential Scholarships at Imperial College London for Students of Black Heritage For Black students at Imperial, more access and opportunities have been made possible by the Presidential Scholarship which is only for Students of Black Heritage. Imperial College London offers financial and mentorship assistance for students seeking for Master’s study in the autumn of 2023.…

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