AWA Prize for Women Entrepreneurs 2022


 AWA Prize for Women Entrepreneurs 2022

Entrepreneurship knows no borders and no gender.Both men and women around the world are bringing life to their communities through their businesses.

At the request of Meryame Kitir, Minister of Development Cooperation and Major Cities Policy, Enabel created the Awa Prize, Entrepreneurs with Impact, in recognition of the financial risks involved and its commitment to taking action in support of a more equal share of possibilities.


The Awa Prize is a competition organised by Enabel which highlights women entrepreneurs from Belgian development cooperation countries and their projects.

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Benefits Of This Competition 

  1. First prize: Up to €50,000.
  2. Second prize: Up to €10,000.
  3. Third prize: Up to €5,000.


To be able to apply for this competition,  you must :

  • Be the (co-)founder and/or non-minority shareholder of a business that has been legally established in one of the participating countries for at least a year.
  • Possess citizenship in a participating nation.
  • Be a woman for a legal age in her country of residence.
  • Candidates must have access to an internet connection because the Competition is fully digital. Additionally, candidates must be able to communicate in either French or English.
  • There is no minimal needed corporate turnover. The proved and/or prospective socio-economic benefits of the chosen enterprises will, nonetheless, be important selection factors as the Competition’s goal is to spotlight high-impact projects.

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How To Apply

Visit the company’s official website to register and also get to know full information on the Awa Prize Competition.

Official Website


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