Commonwealth Foundation Grants Call 2022-2023


Commonwealth Foundation Grants Call 2022-2023

The Commonwealth Foundation, which typically operates in the crucial space between the people and the government, has always worked to include civil society’s voice in all different aspects of governance by promoting civil society participation in the creation of the laws and decisions that have an impact on people’s lives. The Grant application is intended to help these groups fulfill their mission.


For the Commonwealth Foundation Grants 2023, applications are being accepted from qualifying civil society organizations working in the fields of health, the environment, and climate change, as well as freedom of expression.

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For any applicant to be deemed worthy of the Commonwealth 2023 Grant, they must meet all the criterias below :

  • The three priority issues of the Foundation are health, environment and climate change, and freedom of expression. Applicants must address one or more of these themes.
  • This grant isn’t for Newly registered organisations (those that have been registered and operating for less than a year). Any application from such organisations won’t be considered.
  • All proposed projects must start in the second half of 2023. (i.e., after 1 July 2023 and before end September 2023).
  • One or more of the prioritized themes must be covered in the project proposal.
  • The applicant organization’s average annual revenue over the previous two years must be less than £2m.
  • The amount of the requested grant cannot be greater than 70% of the applicant organization’s average annual gross revenue over the previous two years.
  • The applicant organization must have a minimum of two years of track record in the area(s) or theme(s) of the proposed project working on participatory governance and advocacy.
  • The proposed project must be implemented in the country of registration. The scope of a project can be national, subnational, regional, or even multinational, and Projects can be implemented in one or more eligible Commonwealth Foundation member countries. Strong local participation in project implementation is necessary in multi-country projects.
  • The applicant must be a not-for-profit civil society organization (CSO) registered in an eligible Commonwealth Foundation member country.

Click here to find the list of Eligible Countries for the Commonwealth Grant.

Required Documents

  1. A logic model (using the template provided).
  2. A copy of the organization’s most recent audited financial statements is required for Grants above £15,000. Keep in mind that accounts that have undergone an audit must be supported by the opinion of the external auditor who certified them. They must be signed off by the auditor and the organisation’s Board or its principal executive officer.
  3. For Grants up to £15,000, the applicant organization may submit either their audited accounts or a copy of the most recent annual reports. A balance sheet, a profit and loss statement, and account notes are required for annual 3 accounts. The Board of the organization or the chief executive officer must approve them. Annual or audited accounts must date back further than December 2020.
  4. A duplicate of the registration certificate for the organization. A clear scan of an official registration document given by the appropriate authorities in the nation where the organization is registered should be used here.

How To Apply

Those interested in applying for the Commonwealth Foundation Grant program in 2023 must fill out an online application and submit it with all necessary materials on or before the application deadline.

Click Here To Apply:

Application Deadline: 1st November 2022

For More Information,  visit the Commonwealth Foundation Official Website which is below.


Commonwealth Foundation Grants Call 2022-2023 The Commonwealth Foundation, which typically operates in the crucial space between the people and the government, has always worked to include civil society’s voice in all different aspects of governance by promoting civil society participation in the creation of the laws and decisions that have an impact on people’s lives.…

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